
Concentrated Conviction Bear Lure


Concentrated Conviction Bear Lure (EXTREMELY POWERFUL)

Our extremely powerful and popular Concentrated Conviction bear lure now available for sale direct to you the customer.  Don’t pay high shipping costs to ship scented oil!  buy the concentrates and MAKE YOUR OWN!   Its simple!  add 1-2  oz to 5 Gallons of fryer grease or any type of store bought cooking oil, molasses, any liquids, OR works great as a stand alone bear lure. add a few drips to some cotton balls, drags and burns.  Guaranteed to draw bears for miles!


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Purchase this item and get 21 Points

BoarMasters Concentrated Conviction Bear Lure

This is our most powerful concentrated line of products we offer.  

Concentrated Conviction Bear Lure (EXTREMELY POWERFUL)

Our extremely powerful and popular Concentrated Conviction bear lure now available for sale direct to you the customer. This is the most powerful concentrated liquid available in the industry. With an over powering, nose burning aroma it will draw bears in for miles! Available in 4oz containers. Specify flavor at checkout

100% pure product. We do not dilute any of our concentrates to boost margins.   10 times more coverage than any other product on the market today GUARANTEED!


As with all of our products a little bit goes a long ways! Simply mix 1-2 oz  per 5 gallons of choice liquid, fryer grease, molasses or cooking oil, mix well and your all set!  Also works great to apply a few drops to scent wiks or cotton balls, drag rags, and burns

These little bottles save you tons on freight!  Your not paying to ship 32oz bottles of heavy oil!  Make 5 gallons of your own sprays or syrups for cheap!  Most places will give you used fryer grease for free.

Concentrated Conviction FLAVORS INCLUDE

  • Caramel Conviction (specify at check out)
  • Beaver Castor Conviction (specify at check out)
  • Anise Conviction (specify at check out)
  • Blueberry Conviction (specify at check out)
  • Melon Conviction (specify at checkout)
  • Bacon Conviction (specify at checkout)
  • Cherry Conviction (specify at checkout)
  • Carnivore Candy (specify at checkout)


Wear rubber gloves and do not apply to clothing or carry on you while hunting. Its extremely dangerous. Due to the effectiveness of this product, BoarMasters accepts no responsibility for accidents and injuries. Use at your own risk.

We sell in small and large quantities from everyday hunters and outfitters to large hunting corporations. Please contact us if your looking for larger volumes.

Scent Option

Blueberry, Cherry, Bacon, Carnivore Candy, Fruitality, Caramel, Anise, Beaver Castor

13 reviews for Concentrated Conviction Bear Lure

  1. joel ursenbach

    This is one on my favorite boarmaster products! The carmel conviction is amazing! This product is extreamly concentrated and will last a very long time on your site. Works great to pull bears from miles away!

  2. Joe Kondelis

    Caramel conviction is the single strongest attractant I found. Use my exclusive long distance attractant when opening up new sites. Continue to use all season mixed in grease or with scent drags.

  3. Brain Saxton

    This Attractant has made Filming and Hunting Black Bears easier!!!
    Not only is it the strongest attractant but its the most concentrated…

    It will keep bears close to your barrel and provide you with many opportunities for a perfect humane shot placement.
    Crazy good product.
    Its the first item I pack when traveling Canada filming Black Bear hunts for TV.
    Try this product and get
    Ready for Results.

    Caramel Conviction Rocks!!

  4. Bear Hunter Lane (verified owner)

    Caramel Conviction is the best! The first time I used it I couldn’t believe how powerful it was. It made that nasty fryer grease smell so good I wanted to dip some apples in it… Well kind of. We could smell caramel in the air each day as we went back to check our baits. I would imagine the bears could smell it from miles away. It worked too… both my hunting partner and I both tagged good bears.

  5. nick moretti (verified owner)

    We used the carmel conviction last year and loved it! Bears love it so much we sprayed the bear shit and next day it was also eaten! Cant wait to try adding the anise to oir arson this year!

  6. Jaime Edwards

    Caramel conviction is my favorite bear bait additive. Mix with grease and make the mountains smell like a candy factory.

  7. Brent Daley (verified owner)

    I use the Caramel Conviction right at the start to get bears coming in to my bait. It is very potent and I’m sure bears can smell it for miles, and miles. I would highly recommend this to start getting bears zoned in on where your bait site is located.

  8. jerry fattig

    Great stinky smell, make sure and wear gloves!

  9. Brian Sorensen (verified owner)

    The Blueberry Conviction was absolutely amazing couldn’t believe how strong it was! When we put out the grease at the bait site the entire woods smelled like fresh blue berries, ended up shooting my first black bear that night. Highly Recommend!

  10. Phil Cogley

    I love this stuff. I’ve used Carmel conviction for the last 3 seasons and put a quarter of a bottle into 5 gallons of fryer oil and spread over the barrel and ground.

  11. James lung

    All Boarmasters products are amazing and you will not be disappointed!

  12. Hazen Downward (verified owner)

    When you only have a short time to get baits in and hunt you need a massive amount of scent in the air, the Conviction line does the trick in short order. I prefer running clean oil with blueberry or cherry.

  13. Ty

    I normally don’t leave reviews but I am incredibly impressed by the potency of this product. About 3 months ago I decided to save myself some money and make my own anise oil. I went to the local asian market and bought 3 pounds of Anise Star seeds. I put them in a blender to grind them up, and then mixed the ground up anise with 3 gallons of vegetable oil, and let it marinate for just over 3 months! I then strained the chunks out with cheese cloth and was left with 3 Gallons of Anise oil. all in my cost was around $35 for anise seeds.
    As my hunt got closer I decided to use a different scent for my 2nd bait site. I bought one bottle of carnivore candy to mix with vegetable oil, and one bottle of Carmel to mix with fry grease for my grease pad.
    When it came time to make the carnivore candy mixture, I was blown away by to potency of this stuff. The 3 Gallons of oil I mixed it with was easily 10X stronger smelling than my home brew anise oil.
    needless to Say, I immediately placed a second order. This time I included the Anise Concentrate. Im not sure how they do it, but I am now a believer in it. The best part is that it is Cheaper, and much much faster.
    Thanks Nick!

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