Beaver Castor for Bears
March 3, 2014
What is a “Crib” around a bear bait barrel
March 30, 2014We have had many requests on how we build our bear bait barrels. We decided to drag along the video camera while building this years model. The video below will take you step by step trough our building process. We even answer the age old question, how big should I make the hole!
This year we made the decision to add yet another bar in the bottom of the barrel. Our intentions are to hold the remaining bait as long as we can. In all of our setups we only like to bait once with enough bait to last 2-3 weeks.
This next video will show you how a bear can really go through the bait quickly. Not only can you see how easy it is for him to get the bait from the barrel, but you can also see how much bait gets left on the ground for easy access by other bears and critters. The bear in the video was contending with a barrel that had no internal devices.
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[…] eating all the bait. Small hole in center only large enough for the paw is all you need. See our building a bait barrel video for more […]