Capturing Urine from a wild boar
January 29, 2020
Baiting Bears tips and tactics sign up form
November 16, 2020Bear-ly Legal feed additives for Baiting Bear
Our Bear-ly legal feed additives come in multiple flavors. This is the product that built our company. Be aware of the companies selling a sweetener, This is not a sweetener.
Although extremely sweet its A true feed additive that bears cant resist. Its designed to create an addiction for bears. Bears constantly want to consume more and more food, Which is how a true feed additive works, Designed like a weight gainer for pigs or cattle, Or Antler mineral for deer, but built and tailored for bear. They crave it, and their body needs it. Bears devour anything you pour it on. Its not uncommon to watch a bear sleep right at the bait site or near the bait site guarding or protecting its food source. The more appealing your bait site is the more daylight bear activity and the longer you can hold bears at your bait site.
Bears laying at a bait site eating BoarMasters
Feed additives mixed with corn. Works great mixed with bland baits or anything you want to super charge with flavor. Also some mix it in their sucker recipes, fryer oil, molasses, syrups, and other DIY bear attractant products. Nothing is more fun than making your own bear bait attractants, suckers, lures, and bait.
This product can take a boring bait like corn, grain, barley, breads, dogfoods and popcorn and turn it into a pile of SUPER SWEET bait the bears love! The better quality of bait the more activity your bear bait site will have. The more you can draw bears into your bait site the more comfortable they become. Comfort is key to daylight bears. Overall the idea is to keep a quality bait, keep bears comfortable and fed well and have more success hunting bears over bait.
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Watch this video for a little more info on how to use it