
TripleSweet Deer Attractant


Super Concentrated mix high in protein and 100X’S SWEETER THAN SUGAR that not only attracts and holds deer in your hunting areas but it is also very nutritious. Add it to soybeans, corns, peas, grains or any other choice of feed.

Purchase this item and get 5-15 Points
Purchase this item and get 5-15 Points

Super Concentrated mix high in protein and 100X’S SWEETER THAN SUGAR that not only attracts and holds deer in your hunting areas but it is also very nutritious. Add it to soybeans, corns, peas, grains or any other choice of feed. Very inexpensive and 4oz will flavor 250+ lbs. Add it to your feeder and it will sweeten the entire feeder and drop supercharged bait on the ground each time your feeder drops feed. Deer love it, they benefit from it, and it HOLDS them in your hunting areas.

The best Deer Attractant available! Made to supercharge your favorite feed! Available in several flavors. Wild Persimmon, Persimmon and Honey, Wildberry Molasses, and Extreme Peanut butter. Safe for all feeder types, gravity or auto. 4oz flavors up to 250lbs of feed or corn! Get them addicted to your feeder! Don’t forget to choose the flavor or size package with the drop down arrows.


5 oz., 1 lb


Wild Persimmon, Persimmon and Honey, Wildberry Molasses, Extreme Peanut butter, Sweet Apple


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