The Nations #1 Selling Hog and Foot Snares
All of our snares arrive at your door LOADED and READY TO SET IN THE FIELD.
BoarMasters NECK and FOOT SNARES are the best in the industry. This is what we do for a living. Our products are tested and built by the BEST! MADE BY HAND IN USA!

Theses snares are 84+ inch cam lock snares made of 1/8 7×7 snare cable. These are quality fast snares that will hold even the largest hogs. A sheet of directions is included with every order explaining a typical hog set.
Floating deer stops included with each dozen.
Simply clamp them down if you want them or leave them loose if you don’t. Our snares are the #1 selling Hog snare. Very few brands of snares will work for hogs, We have been building this hog snare for 15 years and and have perfected its use.
BoarMasters HOG NECK SNARES are MADE IN THE USA by Professional Hunters and Trappers. 15 years of snared hogs have proven this snare.
5 foot snare extensions, dyed black, Specify at checkout Click button below.

The BoarMasters Hog foot snare incorporates a spring/trigger assembly which fires a loop up and around the animal’s leg. This does not harm the animal. Includes: instructions, Fremont spring, extension cable, snare, and a 6 mm Stainless Steel Swivel. Once caught the spring becomes unattached from the cable so the spring does not get damaged. The BoarMasters FOOT SNARE is MADE in the USA by professional Hog Hunters and Trappers. You won’t find a better foot snare. Replacement Hog Foot Snares also available.
Lets Learn from one of the Masters and get your snares right here!
By Andy Williams
A few things to consider before your start:
Andy williams Boarmasters team member with hogsIs it legal? Some states do not allow the use of snares. Some states that do allow snares might have restrictions on snare construction, i.e. deer stops, breakaway devices (BAD’s) etc. Some states have setting restrictions: maximum loop size, height of loop from the ground, no entanglement situations, etc.
* In my opinion deer stops should be used if deer are present, even if they are not required! We install deer stops on all of our snares. But you can leave them loose without clamping them down if desired.
* PETS: Do not set snares where there is even the remotest chance that someone’s hunting dog or pet might be snared. This is one of the reasons that some states have lost there snaring/or trapping privileges all together.
Boar In Boarmasters Neck SnareSet the snare in well traveled trails the hogs use to go from one feed station to another. By feed stations I’m talking about corn feeders, which is legal in Texas. That’s about as good as it gets because the hogs will travel the same trails as long as there is feed available. They usually travel these trails at a fairly fast pace which ups the odds of a good hookup.
* Do not bait the trail; this will slow them down and keep their nose to the ground and you don’t want that when your snaring.
To hold the snare use a 40″ piece of 1/2″ rebar with a 3″ piece welded to the top to make a “T” stake. Wrap a few coils of #9 wire around the stake and “T” leaving 5-6″ extra. I push the stake firmly into he ground at an angle at the edge of the trail in a pinch point preferably next to the tree I am going to anchor too. Use a large loop of 20″ or more since I’m usually after the larger hogs leaving the bottom about 8″ from the ground. The lock should be positioned at 11 or 1 o’ clock so the smaller pigs can go under without firing the snare.
There is no snare available that can guarantee a live catch on a hog. A live catch snare has a device (stop) that allows the snare loop to close to a predetermined size. Hogs come in all sizes, so trying to determine a closure loop size that would work on all hogs would be impossible. With that said, hogs can be successfully live snared.
* Mortality
The cable/lock combination has a lot to do with the mortality rate. With the lock/cable combination the mortality rate has been reduced to about 4%.
The primary determining factor in mortality rate is temperature. When daytime temperature exceed 50 degrees the mortality rate increases dramatically. Wild boar and feral hogs are fierce fighters and will become overheated fast if temps are warm.
Do not set snares when daytime temps exceed 50 degrees unless it is an ADC job. Another factor in mortality rate is entanglement, a snared hog is like a Tasmanian Devil, if it can wrap around something it will. Entanglement can be minimized with proper/selective snare placement.
So you want to snare a Boar, learn from one of the Masters and get your snares right here!