Baiting Bears
December 25, 2018Capturing Urine from a wild boar
Featuring Top Priority Hunting
From our beginnings in 2010, every member of Top Priority Hunting has been passionate about going after bears. Bear hunting is a keystone hunt for us each year, and through trial and error, countless hours watching these animals, and a little bit of luck, we have developed some tried and true methods to successfully harvest Idaho bears using baits. A couple methods that have made us successful year in and year out.
*Keep bait on site:
Always make sure your bait sites have bait. This will keep bears coming back to the site knowing they will have something to eat. When a site is empty, the bears will look for other means of getting food. This can lead to lack of numbers, and sporadic site visits. Even though it can be difficult constantly filling bait sites, it will definitely help your productivity.
*Pick your location wisely:
Bait site location is key. Bears are very weary, and like to be comfortable where they are eating. We have noticed dark timber areas with large amounts of undergrowth produce great numbers. Try to find a spot for your bait that is quiet and off the beaten path. Keep in mind when picking a spot what the wind is doing at different times as well. Bears have a great sense of smell, and can pick up your scent long before you even see them.
*Other things to consider:
We start setting baits as soon as season opens, so having to trek through snow is not uncommon. The reason we do this is bears are hungry coming out of hibernation, and the quicker they get on the baits and get comfortable the better.
Keep an eye on times you are getting bear activity. We have noticed with large bears, there is a small window to harvest them. When you get a good bear on the bait, get in and sit the bait. Many large bears will go nocturnal after a short period and/or start chasing sows.
There is no thrill like being able to harvest one of these amazing animals. The excitement is what keeps us coming back year after year. We hope these tips bring you success in the coming year.
You can find more tips and tricks on our YouTube under our bear hunting series “Ingrained”. Also, follow us on IG @toppriorityhunting